3 Steps to Overcome Social Anxiety and Boost Your Confidence
In this video, I talk about what is social anxiety, and how to deal with it in 3 simple steps. I used to suffer from social anxiety for many years and now I coach clients on how to overcome anxiety, gain confidence, and become naturally social and confident.
If you’re struggling to be more popular, cool, and be more likable by people this is the video for you! It’s not about doing something different, or something new, but rather about letting go of limiting mental and emotional habits. Most of your communication is non-verbal so as you implement some of these tips the way you come across to people will radically change as well!
If you’ve always wanted to learn how to start conversations with strangers you’ve come to the right article!
There are three ways or approaches I use when starting a conversation with strangers. The first one is by asking a question about something that I’m curious about with a person or group. The second one is finding things that are funny to me in my suroundings that I can joke about or be sarcastic with the person I’m about to speak to. The third one is always be on the lookout on how I can be of service or assistance. For example, if a group or a person looks lost I may offer directions or ask how I can help. That’s it! It’s that easy 🙂
Is Denver really the worst city for dating and finding love? Colorado may be beautiful, but some say it sucks for dating and finding love.
According to the great love debate in Denver, men are too passive, have low confidence, style, communication, and enthusiasm. I decided to interview strangers on their experience of dating and socializing in Denver!
Check out the video below to see the interviews and a bit about the show. To find out more about The Great love Debate show and podcast check out their site below: https://www.greatlovedebate.com
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Single’s biggest regret in life for people is not having the courage to live a life true to themselves, rather than the life that others expect from them. Because of the intention of pleasing everyone, having self – image has forgotten. A self – image has a great part in your journey to achieving what you want.
I want to share with you an idea that recently has become of utmost importance to me. An idea that according to Dr. Maxwell Maltz, is the greatest psychological discovery of this generation is self – image.
What is Self-Image?
We all have an image of ourselves. We may see our reflection in the mirror, but that is only our physical identity. Your self-image is all about the mental image or the concept you have about yourself. That image or concept sometimes comes from personal experiences, perceived judgments, failures, success, feelings and so on. The image is always dependent upon perspective. Without an objective standard by which to measure yourselves, your self-image will be blurred.
Currently, you may be seeking significance, love, a sense of meaning, purpose, and success in your career, business or success in a relationship. The most important thing you can do at the moment is to create an ideal self – image based on truth and based on your dream or goals. A positive self-image can boost your physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Here’s why a positive self – image is important :
1. You don’t need anyone’s approval.
It is a shortcut to finding fulfillment, love, and joy in your life. You tend to seek these emotions from other people like having a significant other, material success and experiences. You generally seek it because you haven’t accepted or loved yourselves for who you are. You don’t need to be perfect for you to love yourself you are still a work in progress. As you embody this self – image everything you do in life will be infused with love and joy. So, rather than trying or expecting of getting approval from people, encourage or help them boost their self – image.
2. You are more determined.
Your self – image not only gives you the emotions you seek on the outside, but it also increases your chances or abilities to achieve your goals in every area of your life. Your self-image is the thermometer for your life and your success. Adopt an image that is worthy of your goal in pursuing it. When you have a high self – image, you believe in your ability. Therefore you are more determined to succeed. You know you will have to work harder and more committed because you believe you can do it.
3. You don’t feel the need to be perfect.
Most of the time you don’t take action because you don’t feel worthy of having it. For example, if you have an image of yourself that only allows you to make a certain amount of money then when you reach a higher amount you will become uncomfortable because it doesn’t fit your self – image in mind. The same goes for losing weight, If you are an overweight person, you will be thinking any weight loss will only be temporary. If you wait for perfection before you take action, you will never start. Strive to be the best version of yourself.
And there you have it, the shortcut to feeling loved, significance, fulfillment and increasing your limits of success is your self – image. How do you do it? Through meditation, affirmations, and visualization, picturing yourself and your life exactly as you want it to be. It takes discipline.
For more helpful tips on gaining confidence, being more social or ways to become more conscious in your everyday life subscribe below!
Are there deep emotions that you not aware of that are ruling your life? For example resentment, scarcity, fear, traumas, shame and so on, that you’re confidence and self-esteem is affected because of those emotions? You may have spent a lot of time and money just to get rid of these. Perhaps you are even doing affirmations and positive thinking and are wondering why it isn’t still working. The reason why is because although you are shifting your surface-level mindset, emotions, and beliefs, you are missing shifting the tectonic plates of your mind, the parts that carry your traumas and deep-seated emotions.
In the video below, I want to go over some of the top emotions to let go to conquer core self – confidence and self – esteem. This will shift not only how you feel, but raise your vibration, hence shifting how people and situations react to you. As you make it a daily practice for 30 or more days everyday surface level emotions won’t bother you as much.
Here are 7 things to let go of to build Confidence and Self – Esteem :
1. Let go of fear.
Fear can hold you back in living the life of your dreams. Fear feels uncomfortable, you are robbing yourself of the chance to experience the deep satisfaction which comes with listening to your heart and soul and creating a better life full of passion and purpose. Conquering this will enable you to face all other fears with another perspective and confidence.
2. Let go of guilt.
Release any guilt or self-hate you currently have. Many times you act out of not knowing the consequences of your actions or sometimes you act based on your current emotion which sometimes leads you to have regrets or guilt of the outcome. Forgive yourself for the things you have done to yourself and others. You can’t go back and change the past but you can change your future by not committing the same offense over and over again.
3. Let go of shame.
A part of the experience of shame is the fear of being found out and exposed. You want to run and hide and protect yourselves from exposure to other people’s judgment. Let go of any shame, insecurity you may have physically or about your personality, the shame of being not stable financially, shame of how you present yourself socially and so on. Anytime shame surfaces, there is an opportunity to experience a healing of the experiences and beliefs that have fed the shame.
4. Let go of loneliness and grief.
At times in your life, have you felt that you were all alone? This feeling describes the emotion of loneliness. Other words people use to describe loneliness include feeling empty, isolated, excluded or left out. You can feel lonely when you are physically alone and you can also feel it in the presence of others. Grief is the feeling of loss many times. When you are at your peak on this emotion, realize or think the abundance of love you have in your life at the moment and let go of any feeling of emptiness, loss, and regrets on the people that are no longer in your life because of a failed relationship. Accept and treasure the moments you spent together and appreciate the space that has opened up for new love to show up.
5. Let go of self-deception.
Self-Deception is rooted in your thinking, and visible in your activities. If you look at it in reverse what you do, or how you act is, in reality, is a product of your belief. If you have been deceived and are thinking wrong as a result of that deception, then you need to adjust, reset, and refocus areas of your thinking that have been subjected to deception. Replacing them with truth, and ultimately seeing the conformation in your actions. Embrace your truth on who you are and what you care about. Clear your inner vision through meditation and let go of the illusion that is in your thoughts. This will essentially boost your confidence as you realize your oneness with all, you have nothing to fear.
6. Let go of resentment.
This is something you need to do for your peace of mind and to improve your relationship with others. Don’t get stuck blaming others for your unhappiness. Even when others have done wrong, you’re called upon to examine your hearts and to respond to others in love. Any hate you have towards others will cripple your self-confidence. Forgive others it is the best gift you can give to yourself because when you forgive you are freeing yourself to not allow anyone or anything from the past to bind you in your current actions. Hurt people hurt others so, begin to develop empathy for them to heal that resentment.
7. Let go of desire and attachment.
The less emotionally attached you are to the outcome the more carefree and confident you will be. Learning how to move past the things that hold you back is an important step in reclaiming the life that has been designed just for you. What happened in the past doesn’t have to define who you are today.
Learning how to believe in yourself will open up endless possibilities in your life. At times you may find this difficult to do. The truth is that we’ve been conditioned throughout our lives to doubt ourselves. We must retrain ourselves to get rid of our fears and self-doubt to build self – confidence and self – esteem.
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