If you are starting your career, or are looking to do a career change, then this interview for you! We chat about career & business advice, networking, and social skills.
I had the pleasure of interviewing my good friend Jesse Freitas, marketing director for Colorado-local, StickerGiant.
If you are starting your career, or are looking to do a career change, then this interview for you! We chat about career & business advice, networking, and social skills.
He takes us on his journey as a college student dropout to landing his dream job and even coming up with a Guinness world-record-setting idea for his company.
I’m very excited to share a recent interview I had with my good friend, Iva Gojanovic.
She is a social & emotional intelligence skills coach for parents and kids.
We talked about how parents can better take care of themselves, how to serve as an example for their children to better communicate and express emotions.
I learned a lot from this chat and whether you are a parent or not, I’m sure you will as well. Enjoy!!
If you think that communication is all about what you say, or even about body language, then you’re THINKING of communication in the wrong way. Effective communication is when mind, body, and spirit are aligned and are sending a congruent message.
In this video, I talk about the importance of a positive vibe and communicating without words. It’s the way to make ALL of your communication congruent and consistently connect effectively with people.
Whether it is to manifest, better communicate, and or connect with others. There is no quick fix around this.
In order to effectively communicate it takes a practice of being consistent in your thoughts, emotions, and intentions. Basically, it takes willpower, discipline, and most of all awareness to consciously communicate.
A couple of weeks ago I called to get the hours of a fantastic cafe in Longmont, Colorado and I connected so well with the owner, Todd Eichorn that we decided to do an interview. He invited for a wine tasting at his cafe, La Vita Bella Cafe. It’s a fun/casual interview getting to know a bit about the history of the cafe, a bit about Todd, and the awesome team.
Learn how to attract women, how to attract men and your ideal relationship/lover.
In order to attract great people into your life whether for a relationship, friendship, or anything else there are certain practices to keep in mind. The first one is to have a strong vision of who this person is, your lifestyle, and what type of person you need to be. Second, it’s important to be able to wait for both for the right action, not rush and stay the course without giving up. The third and final practice is to be able to say no to what doesn’t match what you want in a relationship. That’s it. Sounds simple, yet it can have some profound effects.
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