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How to host an event
How to host an event in Denver and be the star of the evening! You have wonder what makes a good event and how to have time to be social to be able to meet everyone? Here are some steps on thow to host an event whether corporate, team building activities in Denver,...

Career and Social Skills Advice
If you are starting your career, or are looking to do a career change, then this interview for you! We chat about career & business advice, networking, and social skills. I had the pleasure of interviewing my good friend Jesse Freitas, marketing director for...

Emotional and Communication Skills for Parents and Kids
I'm very excited to share a recent interview I had with my good friend, Iva Gojanovic. She is a social & emotional intelligence skills coach for parents and kids. We talked about how parents can better take care of themselves, how to serve as an example for their...

Communicate Telepathically with Others – Law of Attraction
If you think that communication is all about what you say, or even about body language, then you're THINKING of communication in the wrong way. Effective communication is when mind, body, and spirit are aligned and are sending a congruent message. In this video, I...

Longmont Colorado Wine Tasting & Coffee
A couple of weeks ago I called to get the hours of a fantastic cafe in Longmont, Colorado and I connected so well with the owner, Todd Eichorn that we decided to do an interview. He invited for a wine tasting at his cafe, La Vita Bella Cafe. It's a fun/casual...

How to Attract a Your Ideal Lover & Relationship – Sidhhartas’ 3 Practices
Learn how to attract women, how to attract men and your ideal relationship/lover. In order to attract great people into your life whether for a relationship, friendship, or anything else there are certain practices to keep in mind. The first one is to have a strong...

Overcome Social Anxiety in 3 Steps
3 Steps to Overcome Social Anxiety and Boost Your Confidence In this video, I talk about what is social anxiety, and how to deal with it in 3 simple steps. I used to suffer from social anxiety for many years and now I coach clients on how to overcome anxiety, gain...

How to be Popular and Cool Without Trying – 5 Tips To Improve Your Likeability
If you're struggling to be more popular, cool, and be more likable by people this is the video for you! It's not about doing something different, or something new, but rather about letting go of limiting mental and emotional habits. Most of your communication is...

3 Ways to Start Conversations that ALWAYS Work
There are three ways or approaches I use when starting a conversation with strangers.

One of the Top Spiritual Sites in America
The Shambhala Mountain Center is one of the top spiritual sites in America. It is a contemplative retreat center for the exploration of individual and societal wisdom.

Lucid Dream & Dream Yoga: Take Control of Your Dreams and Life
Discover the power of dream yoga and lucid dreaming to create unprecedented transformation in your life! Lucid dreaming is when you become aware that you are dreaming while in a dream. There are many benefits to doing this practice including overcoming fears, gaining...

Denver: The Worst City for Dating and Finding Love in 2019?
Is Denver really the worst city for dating and finding love? Colorado may be beautiful, but some say it sucks for dating and finding love. According to the great love debate in Denver, men are too passive, have low confidence, style, communication, and enthusiasm. I...
How to change your Self – Image for Love and Success
Single's biggest regret in life for people is not having the courage to live a life true to themselves, rather than the life that others expect from them. Because of the intention of pleasing everyone, having self – image has forgotten. A self - image has a great part...
7 Ways to Improve Self – Confidence and Self – Esteem
Are there deep emotions that you not aware of that are ruling your life? For example resentment, scarcity, fear, traumas, shame and so on, that you're confidence and self-esteem is affected because of those emotions? You may have spent a lot of time and money just to...
Signs of Spiritual Awakening
Going through a spiritual awakening is the most isolating, loneliest, confusing, bothering but a beautiful experience in life. Without experiencing a spiritual awakening, you go pursuing things with emptiness which you thought you will find happiness and satisfaction...
Living without Limits
Boost Your Confidence and Live Limitless Each of you has your own goals and dreams that you want to achieve and confidence has a great part in living without limits to become the person you want to be. Confidence is a conviction or a mindset that helps in managing...

How to Overcome Loneliness
What is loneliness? Loneliness is the unhappiness that is felt by someone, or unpleasant emotional response to isolation. There is research that says, those who spend the most time on social media have a higher rate of loneliness or depression compared to those who...

4 Ways to Use Visualization to Be More Social
Are you still thinking about what to say to start a conversation, or how you can keep a conversation going, and even having that confidence to be more social? The generation that we have right now, will pressure you to be social to be able to gain friends, learn new...
3 Steps To Increase your Confidence and Emotional Freedom with People
To increase your confidence and emotional freedom does not mean that you do not feel anything anymore. It simply means that you break the cycle of being ruled by your emotions and fueling those with your thoughts. In this article, I will teach you a few steps on how...

4 Tips to Keep a Good Conversation Going on a Date
Have you ever wished that you could to talk to strangers or simply have a great conversation on a date? I’m going to reveal my ultimate two secrets for being an amazing conversationalist. My two secrets are being a great interviewer and the art of banter. 1. MAKE...
Eye to Eye Contact, Makes Communication Easy and Powerful
Conversation is a part of communication, but so are non-verbal cues. One of the ways that we communicate the most is through “Eye Contact”. It is a body language skill that can help access someone’s feelings and communicate yours as well. Eye contact goes very deep...
4 Steps to Overcome a Breakup and get over a Heartbreak
Let's make moving on easy and simple...Are You Broken Hearted? Don’t worry, It is normal and it's not your fault. A breakup or being brokenhearted is a part of a relationship with someone. We feel devastated, anxious and depressed. People around the globe are...
Emotional Problems? Learn 2 Powerful Emotional Healing Tools for Transformation
Emotional Problem? Learn 2 Powerful Emotional Healing Tools for Transformation Easy, Simple and Fast Self- Emotional Healing, It's not your fault, It's all about how you process your emotions. Is it hard to heal yourself? Why can’t you heal? You deserve happiness,...

Living from Within
The closest we ever are to being who we truly are is the moment we are born. At that moment we are an empty, blank sheet of paper ready to get written on. We are just being but eventually, our true self starts to be covered up with layers and layers of conditioned...

Creating Confidence When Hitting Rock Bottom
You are NOT unique. And, that is great news! When you stop to think of the issues or problems in your life realize that most people have similar or even the same issues as you do. Sure there are catastrophes like that passing of a loved that have a much larger impact...

Hitting Rock Bottom
Hitting Rock Bottom. There is no one thing that all successful people have in common. They don't all go to a prestigious university (some don't even go to college). They're not all born beautiful, fit or gorgeous. And they don't just inherit a ton of money right away....

Change your energy to change your dating life
The Earth is Flat. Yes, I said it. Just kidding 😛 Like the idea that the world is flat, there are many common beliefs that, with the passing of time, are proven false or become obsolete. One such belief is that you have little impact on or responsibility for your...

Self-deception & congruency
In my experience a lot of the issues in life, interpersonal communication and relationships boil down to congruency. I think most people on this call would agree that at least over half of the time when we say or do something, it isn’t what we are really thinking, and/or our actions aren’t really reflecting how we’re truly feeling. This causes our communication and actions to be extremely ineffective and even counter-productive.

Empowering emotions to take action
Empowering emotions to take action Empowering emotions to take action Empowering emotions to take action - For most of us taking action comes hard, especially with the things we’re “supposed” to do that would create the life we want. Many of the excuses come in the...

Interview with Sandro Dhonre – founder of People Magnet
Interview with Sandro Dhonre - founder of People Magnet Sandro is a lifestyle coach based in Holland. He specializes in body language and teaching men and women how to access and bring out their inner charisma. He has trained sales people to become more likeable and...

7 keys to happiness
7 keys to happiness 7 keys to happiness - Why is happiness important? It dictates the quality of your life and how successful you are in your endeavors. Science also proves that those who are happier live longer, are healthier and even smarter. Not that I need to...

Life & Business Coach – Interview with Annijamila
Life & Business Coach - Interview with Annijamila - Annijamila is a life and business coach & speaker based in New York. She brings a very unique perspective to the area of success and her goal is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible around the...
TurnToExperts interview with Miguel
Daniel Haegele from TurnToExperts interviews Felipe. Some of what's discussed: How to have unstoppable confidence How to create your reality from within Get an unshakable Belief in yourself with the “Bubble Technique” How to be sexual with women within a few minutes...
TurnToExperts interview with Felipe
Daniel Haegele from TurnToExperts interviews Felipe. Some of the topics covered: Why your Self-Image is the Key to Success How to build an extraordinary Social Life How to feel like a Rockstar within 30 minutes How to meet highly valuable People Why it is about who...
Changing your emotions
One way of getting your emotions under control is to take action in different ways than you're used to. Watch Miguel expand a bit on it here.
Interview with Christian
An interview with our friend Christian where he shares a bit about how he has created success, joy and quality in all areas of his life. Discussions about purpose, passion, relationships, turning around a stale social life and have more options, how to meet high...
[image_frame style="framed_shadow" align="left" link_to="false"]https://social-buddha.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/people_connected.jpg[/image_frame] Everyone's connected but no one is CONNECTING. We are too easily distracted. No matter what social environment we...
How To Form Beliefs
Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true. (c. ^ Schwitzgebel, Eric (2006), "Belief", in Zalta, Edward, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford, CA: The Metaphysics Research Lab, retrieved 2008-09-19)...

Being anxious or scared of how people are going to react to what we say, do, how we act and who we are would be more justified if we actually knew the reason behind their reaction. Usually we don't. Most of the time we have NO IDEA. People have tons of shit going on...
Many of us say that we want more freedom in life. Instead we choose familiarity and predictability almost every time. Why? Fear. Fear of letting go of the illusion of control, fear of living NOW and not knowing the future. The fact is that you will only be in control...

How to be Happy For most people, at the end of the day life just boils down to being happy. It’s an old cliché but so true; other people, relationships, material things, experiences, anything external can not and will never bring happiness, peace or fulfillment. We...