If you are starting your career, or are looking to do a career change, then this interview for you! We chat about career & business advice, networking, and social skills.
I had the pleasure of interviewing my good friend Jesse Freitas, marketing director for Colorado-local, StickerGiant.
If you are starting your career, or are looking to do a career change, then this interview for you! We chat about career & business advice, networking, and social skills.
He takes us on his journey as a college student dropout to landing his dream job and even coming up with a Guinness world-record-setting idea for his company.
Interview with Sandro Dhonre – founder of People Magnet
Sandro is a lifestyle coach based in Holland. He specializes in body language and teaching men and women how to access and bring out their inner charisma. He has trained sales people to become more likeable and is currently working on a project to teach Hollywood actors/actresses how to project themselves.
Some of the topics covered:
* Practical body language
* How posture affects testosterone and confidence
* Integrity in relationships
* Needy vs non-needy behavior
and more…
If you want to get in touch with Sandro you can email him on
Life & Business Coach – Interview with Annijamila –
Annijamila is a life and business coach & speaker based in New York. She brings a very unique perspective to the area of success and her goal is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible around the world to upgrade their lives through coaching, lectures, retreats, workshops, tv interviews, events, books, music, meditations & spiritual guidance. Her background ranges from working in the fashion industry, to television and more recently in Wallstreet.
In this interview you’ll learn:
* The power of listening and empathy
* How to avoid waiting for your goals, push your comfort zone and take charge of your life even if you have no background within the areas of your goals
* The secret to building courage and confidence in your life
* How to stop taking things personally and take yourself less seriously
* The one thing that all successful people have in common
* How to realize your negative patterns in relationships, how to let those patterns go and attract the right man or woman
* How to improve your relationship with and attract more money
If you want to learn more about Annijamila you can reach her on email or facebook:
aqvist@powerpeople.us Facebook
She’ll also soon have her new webpage online at powerpeople.us
Daniel Haegele from TurnToExperts interviews Felipe. Some of what’s discussed:
How to have unstoppable confidence
How to create your reality from within
Get an unshakable Belief in yourself with the “Bubble Technique”
How to be sexual with women within a few minutes
How be sexually confident around every person you meet
If you want to learn more about what Daniel is up to you can find him here:
[fancy_link link=”http://turntoexperts.com”]http://turntoexperts.com[/fancy_link]
[fancy_link link=”http://facebook.com/turntoexperts”]http://facebook.com/turntoexperts[/fancy_link]
Daniel Haegele from TurnToExperts interviews Felipe. Some of the topics covered:
Why your Self-Image is the Key to Success
How to build an extraordinary Social Life
How to feel like a Rockstar within 30 minutes
How to meet highly valuable People
Why it is about who you are and not about what you do
How to create your own Purpose and Vision
If you want to learn more about what Daniel is up to you can find him here:
[fancy_link link=”http://turntoexperts.com”]http://turntoexperts.com[/fancy_link]
[fancy_link link=”http://facebook.com/turntoexperts”]http://facebook.com/turntoexperts[/fancy_link]
An interview with our friend Christian where he shares a bit about how he has created success, joy and quality in all areas of his life.
Discussions about purpose, passion, relationships, turning around a stale social life and have more options, how to meet high quality people and keep them in your life, meeting the opposite sex, hosting parties, giving a great time to other people, creating who you want to be, installing new beliefs and much more…
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