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7 keys to happiness

7 keys to happiness

7 keys to happiness

7 Keys to happiness7 keys to happiness – Why is happiness important? It dictates the quality of your life and how successful you are in your endeavors. Science also proves that those who are happier live longer, are healthier and even smarter. Not that I need to convince you but bottom line is that there is no down side to being happy and it is worth making a habit out of it.

Happiness is the all illusive and ever transforming force that drives people’s lives. It is the essence of who we are and what we do. Through the years of development a person looses sight of their true essence and develops layers of expectations, ideas and concepts of what happiness is. They define it as having something maybe material or a person, associate it with situations like being praised or admired, and even decide whether they deserve it or not at a very early age.

The truth is that happiness is who you are. Since it is who you are searching for it only leaves you lost and confused. A confusion that has probably brought you to read this. Perhaps you have gotten a lot of the things people said would make you happy but they didn’t, or you feel frustrated because the things you most want you don’t currently have. Whatever the situation may be, the end result is the same. Misery. Misery that has risen from a false idea of what happiness is. Just so you remember it from this point on I’ll say it one more time, HAPPINESS IS YOU.

Now, you might not know how you got conditioned to be unhappy, or to not be YOU, but the good news is that I will go over some ways how to be yourself again. Here are 7 keys to bringing happiness back in to your life:

[dropcap3]1[/dropcap3] Surround yourself with happy and positive people. People who vibrate with life, who love who they are, what they do and truly love you. It is the number one thing you can do, because they will naturally bring out who you truly are and help you shine along with them. They are people who love to help and give, because they are abundant so it’s easy to connect with them.

You might already have friends, family or other people in your life who are like this, and if so, spend more time with them. If you don’t have these types of people in your life, make new friends, make an effort to meet and connect with new people who have the qualities you wish to embody.

[dropcap3]2[/dropcap3] Get out of your head and be present. Since being present is fundamentally who you are it brings forth a sense of peace and happiness. Take moments out of your day to take deep breaths, meditation is always a great practice, focus on feeling your body from head to toe. Also bring your full attention to your actions. If you’re walking, focus on how your feet feel. Feel all the movements that you make in every action. This is not limited to walking etc. but can be applied to any daily activity.

[dropcap3]3[/dropcap3] Love yourself for who you are unconditionally. Now, this may seem very straightforward but many times it takes courage to completely admit how you feel about yourself. Again, as part of our development in our life we take upon the belief that we are not enough, not worthy or deserving, and feel at conscious or unconscious level that there is something wrong with us. That is all BS, you are more wonderful than you can ever imagine. I can tell you this all day and night, your friends and family could as well, but it would NEVER be enough to convince you otherwise. You hold the key to your own destiny. As Gandhi put it so well, “your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, and your values become your destiny.”

[dropcap3]4[/dropcap3] Passion and purpose. It is crucial in your self-development and “pursuit” of happiness to find what your true passion is. Ask yourself: what would I do for years without getting paid? What do I excel at that most don’t? And how can I contribute most to society through this talent?

Most people knew what their purpose was as a child. Perhaps, not consciously or labeled as purpose and passion but it was there. Looking back to what you loved as a child can open you up to what your true purpose is and help you answer the questions above. Until you find your passion at the very least do one thing you enjoy every day.

[dropcap3]5[/dropcap3] Reframe everything into positive. A great skill practiced by all those who are successful is seeing everything in an empowering perspective. This aspect can be used to change a negative self-image, turn problems into opportunities and create more harmony and stability in a person’s life. For example, if you don’t like something about yourself whether physical or personality, then simply tell yourself that this thing is one of the greatest things about you. “Having my body type is the sexiest thing ever!” You can also use this way of living to change all your problems and difficulties into opportunities that constantly take you to the next level. That could be your belief at all times.

[dropcap3]6[/dropcap3] Smile and laugh more, it lightens your mood. This is pretty simple and straight forward. However, if you’d like a more complicated explanation of how this works here it is.

Endomorphins or “feel good” chemicals are released in your brain to make you feel happy. While this chemical is released the stress hormone called cortisol is reduced in your brain. Laughing also helps you breathe better and stimulates homeostasis by bringing more oxygen into your body. The other thing is that smiling and laughing puts others in a good mood (emotions are contagious), and increase the positive reactions from people which in turn heightens your mood even more.

[dropcap3]7[/dropcap3] Change your intentions from always trying to get from others to giving to others WITHOUT expectations. This doesn’t necessarily mean to give away your money and possessions. What it means is to be giving in your interactions. Make your purpose to leave a person happier than how you found them or at least put a smile on their face or make them laugh.

It could also mean donating to charity or something you believe in, or volunteering for something you are passionate about. There are plenty of opportunities to give and what you’ll find is that your life becomes more abundant, more joyful and full of love.

Life & Business Coach – Interview with Annijamila

Life & Business Coach – Interview with Annijamila

Life & Business Coach – Interview with Annijamila –

Annijamila is a life and business coach & speaker based in New York. She brings a very unique perspective to the area of success and her goal is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible around the world to upgrade their lives through coaching, lectures, retreats, workshops, tv interviews, events, books, music, meditations & spiritual guidance. Her background ranges from working in the fashion industry, to television and more recently in Wallstreet.

In this interview you’ll learn:

* The power of listening and empathy
* How to avoid waiting for your goals, push your comfort zone and take charge of your life even if you have no background within the areas of your goals
* The secret to building courage and confidence in your life
* How to stop taking things personally and take yourself less seriously
* The one thing that all successful people have in common
* How to realize your negative patterns in relationships, how to let those patterns go and attract the right man or woman
* How to improve your relationship with and attract more money

If you want to learn more about Annijamila you can reach her on email or facebook:

She’ll also soon have her new webpage online at

TurnToExperts interview with Miguel

Daniel Haegele from TurnToExperts interviews Felipe. Some of what’s discussed:

How to have unstoppable confidence
How to create your reality from within
Get an unshakable Belief in yourself with the “Bubble Technique”
How to be sexual with women within a few minutes
How be sexually confident around every person you meet

If you want to learn more about what Daniel is up to you can find him here:
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TurnToExperts interview with Felipe

Daniel Haegele from TurnToExperts interviews Felipe. Some of the topics covered:

Why your Self-Image is the Key to Success
How to build an extraordinary Social Life
How to feel like a Rockstar within 30 minutes
How to meet highly valuable People
Why it is about who you are and not about what you do
How to create your own Purpose and Vision

If you want to learn more about what Daniel is up to you can find him here:
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Interview with Christian

An interview with our friend Christian where he shares a bit about how he has created success, joy and quality in all areas of his life.

Discussions about purpose, passion, relationships, turning around a stale social life and have more options, how to meet high quality people and keep them in your life, meeting the opposite sex, hosting parties, giving a great time to other people, creating who you want to be, installing new beliefs and much more…


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Everyone’s connected but no one is CONNECTING. We are too easily distracted. No matter what social environment we allow ourselves to get interrupted ALL THE TIME. Try to think of the last few times you spent time with someone who didn’t get a phone call, text or facebook message that he or she immediately “had” to respond to. Pretty rare, aren’t they?

Any attempts at multitasking are very poor time management, but when we’re talking human interactions there are other problems involved as well. It takes time to set up the rapport that allows for a deeper exchange with another person, and every time we get interrupted we have to start over FROM SCRATCH. With the frequency people keep getting distracted there are many who NEVER get to establish and experience any meaningful connection at all. And we wonder why we’re depressed, lonely and never feeling REALLY good (though that’s the point)…

Technology aside we often distract ourselves by being in our heads instead of being present in the conversation we’re having. I’m sure you’ve noticed this in some people, who are never actually “there” when you’re interacting with them. Same problem.

In a deeper perspective, even though we are all already connected it’s rare for two people to truly meet each other. As we move through life we usually don’t register much details about our environment – we draw the details from our stored memory as needed. The implication of this is that we notice just enough details about a person, object or situation so that the mind can fill in the rest, with information from our PAST, that doesn’t even exist.

As an experiment, try being TRULY present the next time you’re spending time with someone. Let go of any preconceived notions and opinions, ignore your phone, don’t let your mind drift aimlessly, be THERE! I guarantee you will feel better, have a much bigger impact, and you might even inspire the person(s) you’re with to do the same.

In the present there is only the present, and you’ll never develop any significant personal power, charisma and influence if you’re not even there.

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